Okay then, here's my first Battle Report. Hope the format is okay. I've just copied the report across from my club's blog.
"Monster Island is a misnomer," began Slick Evans, the realtor, "It's
actually an archipelago. That's why house prices are so low..."
Looking at the recently repaired apartment building, he hoped these
buyers wouldn't figure out the real reason. The smarmy grin slipped
from his face as he turned to look out to sea.
'Talk about bad timing..." He thought as he watched the blue
monster, Chuffy emerge from the waves. Slick wasted no time in climbing
into his flash sports car, sparing not a moment's thought for his
clients. As Eggbert the giant green monster stomped onto the road,
bellowing a challenge, Slick stood on the accelerator pedal and began to
consider a change of career.
Kim and I played this, our second game of Mighty Monsters, this
afternoon. She took control of Chuffy, while I played Eggbert. The two
monsters have identical stats, but their skills and abilities have been
tailored differently. Chuffy has a number of attacking options,
including atomic fire breath, fangs, and a potentially deadly claw
attack. Eggbert specializes in defence, with a protective shell. His
preferred attack methods are a slam attack (shoulder charge), head butts
and kicking. But he has no real ranged attack, and is reliant on
closing the distance to fight.
Both monsters began at diagonal opposite corners of the board. Eggbert won the initiative roll, and chose to go first.
Turn 1:
Eggbert started by attempting a sprint (triple move) to try and get to
grips with Chuffy immediately. He was only able to make a double move,
so decided to stop behind two buildings. A head-butt was attempted
against one building, in hopes of creating some rubble to throw at
Chuffy. But Eggbert was unable to bring one down (he rolled two
failures to activate).
Chuffy, hearing the commotion, raced towards the shaking buildings, and
immediately bathed Eggbert in atomic fire. When the smoke cleared,
Eggbert still stood unscathed.
Turn 2:
Chuffy could only look on in confusion as Eggbert came charging through
the glowing embers left on the street, intent on barging him to the
floor. Chuffy proved the stronger in this clash, however, knocking
Eggbert to the floor. Not a good place to be.
Wasting no time, Chuffy pounces on the recumbent Eggbert, attempting to
savage him with his wicked claws. Unable to angle his shell to deflect
the attack, Eggbert is sent skidding along the street. Chuffy runs
forward and continues his assault, with a vicious bite. Eggbert roars in pain as Chuffy's teeth sink into the soft flesh of his underbelly.
The Prof Says:
In this picture we can see the dice showing the monsters' relative
health. Unhurt monsters roll all green dice. A yellow dice indicates a
wound. If a yellow dice is rolled and scores a 1, bad things happen.
If a monster continues to take damage, the yellow dice will be replaced
with red dice. If a red dice rolls
any failure... well, let's just say you're in a world of trouble.
Turn 3:
Eggbert begins by climbing to his feet and aiming a kick at Chuffy's
body. The kick caused no damage, but created enough space for Eggbert
to regain his footing properly.
Chuffy, enraged by this show of defiance, snaps at Eggbert with his
fangs. Although Eggbert again fails to shield himself with the shell,
Chuffy's attack was telegraphed, and Eggbert bats Chuffy's slavering
jaws to the side. Likewise, Chuffy's claws fail to strike home.
Chuffy emits a growl of frustration, and plants a hefty kick to
Eggbert's midsection, wounding him again. He follows up with a tail
sweep, hoping to knock Eggbert to the floor again, but his foe recoils
away from him in the nick of time. Things don't seem to be going well
for the injured monster, but Chuffy is having trouble capitalising on
his attacks.
Turn 4:
Eggbert, the pain of his wounds goading him on, goes into a berserk
frenzy (the prof will explain more on this later), the surge of
adrenaline allowing him to ignore some of his injuries, and charges into
Chuffy at speed.
Although he is rocked onto his heels by this sudden onslaught, Chuffy
manages to keep his footing. Eggbert lets loose with a flurry of
punches, now causing serious damage because of his berserk state, and
follows up with a vicious headbutt, causing further serious injury.
Suddenly, the tables have turned, and Chuffy is on the defensive.
Not accustomed to defence, Chuffy elects to attack instead. Shaking off
his grogginess, Chuffy attempts to bite Eggbert. There is a resounding
crack, as fangs meet shell, and Chuffy pulls away, trying to ignore his
broken tooth. Chuffy makes a pathetic swipe with his claws, and it
suddenly becomes clear that something is wrong (Kim rolled a 1 on a
yellow dice!). Eggbert easily deflects the clumsy attack, and
counterattacks with a punch. The punch has no effect. However, the
pain of his injuries appears to be telling on Chuffy, and he falls to
the ground.
The Prof Says:
Once per game a monster can go Berserk. It will heal damage on one dice
by one level (i.e. a red dice can be turned yellow, or a yellow turned
green), allows one body part to automatically pass three activation
rolls (allowing a very powerful attack), and doubles any damage the
monster causes for a turn. This is a very powerful ability, and timing
is critical to make the best use of it.
Turn 5:
Eggbert levels a kick at Chuffy, while his opponent is down, but fails
to cause any damage. Clasping his paws together above his head, Eggbert
now drops a hammerblow on Chuffy, causing a further wound. While he is
in close proximity, he attempts a bite on Chuffy, and tears a chunk of
flesh from his opponent, leaving him with all red dice, and close to
But Chuffy is not about to give up the fight yet! The plucky blue
pugilist lets out an earth-shattering roar and goes berserk. Chuffy
leaps to his feet, ignoring one of his grievous wounds, and bites
Eggbert with all his remaining might, causing two wounds. An attempt to
disembowel Eggbert goes horribly wrong (another 1 on a yellow dice!),
and Chuffy ends up cradling his crippled paws to his chest. He will no
longer be able to make claw attacks. In an attempt to try and buy
himself some breathing space, Chuffy swings into another tail sweep, and
manages to push Eggbert back. Unfortunately for him, Eggbert retains
his footing.
Turn 6:
Eggbert again tries to slam into his opponent. But the battle is
telling on both monsters, and they end up rebounding from each other. A
kick to Chuffy's body causes another wound, and although Eggbert's tail
sweep proves completely ineffective, Chuffy is in a critical state.
Chuffy rears up to take a bite out of Eggbert, and then starts to sway.
Moments later, his eyes glaze over, and he collapses to the floor,
unable to continue fighting (You guessed it - a failed activation roll,
followed by the worst possible result on the injury table).
Battered, but unbowed, Eggbert climbs shakily to the roof of one of
Slick's apartment buildings and roars his victory to the heavens.
I fear that by including this picture, I may have won the game, but lost a wife....